Distance to commercial,Bulawayo,ZWE

URL: https://contagionhotspots.org/dataset/9525977e-ebd6-4ae5-8a07-b9a1b59f672f/resource/5060c649-7f60-4a97-b23a-5677c91614ff/download/zwe_bwy_building_commercial_distance_raster.tif

This resource contains a distance raster for Bulawayo, Zimbabwe study area. The distance is calculated from each grid-cell to the nearest service geometry stored in the OSM database with key_id= building and value_id= commercial.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Last updated April 6, 2021
Created April 6, 2021
Format image/tiff
License No License Provided
ISO 19139:2007 XML specification for geospatial metadata (ISO 19115:2003 / SNI ISO 19115:2012 metadata)
QGIS geospatial metadata
Allow download
Allow downloading WFS data (for spatial resources)
Validation options
Validation status
Validation timestamp
createdover 3 years ago
last modifiedover 3 years ago
on same domainTrue
package id9525977e-ebd6-4ae5-8a07-b9a1b59f672f
revision id84be4ad1-92c9-4d7d-91ed-8e3e27324684
size20.8 KiB
url typeupload