Built up area proportion Chittagong, BGD

URL: https://contagionhotspots.org/dataset/a0691409-e5ee-40eb-a401-53098377a1fc/resource/da31d3fc-075d-4de5-a5a5-4d8ec0f973fe/download/bgd_urbpx_prp_1_100m_2014.tif

This resource contains the 'Proportion of GHSL+ESA-CCI-LC+GUF built-settlement grid-cells with 1 grid-cell radius 2014 ' cropped at Chittagong, Bangladesh scale for COVID-19 Contagion Risk Hotspots Estimation. The original resource was retrieved from 'www.worldpop.org/'

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Additional Information

Field Value
Last updated April 6, 2021
Created April 6, 2021
Format image/tiff
License No License Provided
ISO 19139:2007 XML specification for geospatial metadata (ISO 19115:2003 / SNI ISO 19115:2012 metadata)
QGIS geospatial metadata
Allow download
Allow downloading WFS data (for spatial resources)
Validation options
Validation status
Validation timestamp
createdover 3 years ago
last modifiedover 3 years ago
on same domainTrue
package ida0691409-e5ee-40eb-a401-53098377a1fc
revision id22b5b33f-f303-4c5c-93b3-f9920141dd1e
size175.8 KiB
url typeupload